Originally published December 8, 2014 in Arkansas Times
By Max Brantley | Reprinted with permission
Little Rock police are still withholding identification on a 40-year-old man found with a fatal gunshot wound about 4 a.m. Sunday at 2221 Howard Street. However, authorities tell me they believe the victim is TC Edwards, a well-known figure on the local music scene.
This confirms multiple reports that have appeared on social media about his death, including numerous tributes to him on his Facebook page.

TC Edwards was found dead at his home on Dec. 7, 2014.
Always dressed in black, Edwards was perhaps the most ardent fan and participant in Little Rock’s metal, punk and rock ‘n’ roll communities over the last 20 years.
“You were the unofficial spiritual advisor for the entire LR punk scene and a dear dear friend,” former Little Rock musician John Pugh wrote on Edward’s Facebook page, one of dozens of tributes to the front man of TC and the Eddies, an “experi-metal” band that featured Edward’s singing.
Edwards was the subject of a years-in-the-making documentary about his troubled life, devotion to rock ‘n’ roll and his unique place in Little Rock culture. His longtime best friend Mike Poe was directing the film. See a trailer above.
Friends described Edwards as mildly autistic. Authorities said he was the target of bullies who would, for example, take Edwards’ phone and then demand money to get it back. A criminal case alleging theft, robbery and burglary of Edwards in January pends in Circuit Court and the 30-year-old suspect in that case will be reviewed as a potential suspect in his death.
Filings in that case indicated that the defendant had reportedly been seen around Edwards’ home at other times, including knocking on doors and windows in February and that he’d entered his home without permission in 2013 as well. The defense attorney has argued that information shouldn’t be admissible. A hearing is set in that case Jan. 13.